A Leap of Faith Counseling and Professional

A Counseling and Professional Site Redesign Case Study for Specialized Clientele

A Leap of Faith Counseling Services is a virtual private practice dedicated to providing comprehensive counseling services. Their expertise spans individual, group, and couples counseling, along with specialized support for bariatric patients. Additionally, we extend our commitment to the field by offering clinical supervision.

A Leap of Faith Professional Services offers many services including workshops, public speaking, teen coaching, and notary services.

UX Design Lead
UX Designer (me)
Project Manager
Web Developer
User Researcher
8 Months (2023)
Figma, Google Meet, Trello, Slack, Maze

The Issue

Finding the safe space

Our client had two specific problems in mind, user retention and narrowing down her practices down to these markets:

Counseling - Bariatric Clients, Eating Disorder clients, Couples
Coaching - Adolescents

After a thorough audit, and parsing through the last six months of visitors on the sites, the audience of both sites dropped with increased bounce rate.

Counseling site bounce rate


Professional site bounce rate


Counseling site average monthly visitors


Counseling site average monthly visitors


There were also major web and brand inconsistencies in both sites. Here are some of our findings:

The User

We decided to ask 10 users of all ages and genders who have been to therapy in the last 3 years, who currently reside in America.

Here’s what they would like to see on a counselor and professional site:

Key Takeways so far:

Design Decision

We wanted to add an intake form on the hero to the counseling site add a more personal touch for the user. Goals it would have achieved:

  • Supplemented for free consultation
  • Narrow down potential clients as a beginning screener
  • Make site more interactive

Why this approach didn’t work:

  • We didn’t have the time or knowledge to create well rounded questions
  • We would have to go through many iterations to make the test work as functionally
  • This intake form was out of our scope

The Design

Creating the safe space

Our main focus for the redesign was to make sure to include relevant content, focus on functionality, and keep the brand consistent.

Counseling website:

Professional website:

Low Fidelity Usability Test Insights

Counseling Website

9 participants in total
77% success rate
75% of users could find services on the homepage
75% of users could find a free consultation
58% of users could find the helpful links tab

Professional Website

10 participants in total
91% success rate
90% of users could find available services
90% of users could find free consultation
100% of users could find payments and rates

With the insights from our usability tests, we updated "Contract Therapist (or internship/practicum) opportunities" to “Career Opportunities”. We kept "Counselor's Corner" (helpful links) as well.

High Fidelity Prototypes

Counseling website:

Professional website:


Handing off our prototypes to the developer, we checked to see of our initial issues were improved, high bounce rate, and low visitors. Here is what our analytics show:

  • ALOF Counseling witnessed a surge of 982 average monthly visitors, marking a 573% increase.
  • ALOF Professional soared with a staggering 1,300 average monthly visitors, an astronomical 6,700% spike.

The team's hard work and dedication paid off to give A Leap of Faith Counseling and Professional sites a revamp, while exceeding expectations.

Next Steps

For continuous improvements, here's what I would do:

Final Thoughts

Working with a team has been eye opening in figuring out ways that I contribute and expand my skills. I have really enjoyed creating professional and collaborative relationships with my team at Diverse Design Collective. Deciding what and how to contribute has drastically improved my time management and relational communication. Not only improving a small business and their retention is rewarding, but creating with people who want to be involved makes work so much more fun.

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